Video on How to Get on Your Path of Influencer to Grow Your Own Audience Plus Professor Justin Giordano Exclusive Quote

The Celebify video mini podcast is a creation of Yianni Stamas and this episode, “Path of Influencer” was inspired by blog posts from Yianni’s Blogs of Media collection of websites including Inwood Manhattan with an article about what we can learn from Paul Stanley from Kiss (who grew up in Inwood) and being an influencer,…

Celebify Video Mini Podcast Celebrities are Magic – Is Fame Magic to Grow Your Own Audience?

To view the short educational video that shows you how to put more magic into your process to grow your own audience, click on the “Watch Video” button above. Grow Your Own Audience Celebify Video Mini Podcast, Grow Your Own Audience as seen at It is created by Marketer, Videographer, Editor, Yianni Stamas, who…

Celebify Video Mini Podcast – Educate Clients to Grow Business Entertainingly

Educate Clients to Grow Business Entertainingly? Learn to Do this with DigiComArts, DIYdigi and Entertainment Based Marketing Meet Yianni Stamas. He is the founder of Celebify. He is a Manager of Websites and is an Educational Video Creator, who has had as marketing clients who are celebrities, as well as has worked with famous actors…

Celebify Video Mini Podcast Episode – Path of Celebrity in Any Industry

If you are not yet a Celebifyer, you can become one easily when you subscribe to the Celebify Video Mini Podcast at and membership has its privileges. Before diving in, a reminder that if you are experiencing this as a subscriber of the Celebify Video Mini Podcast, be sure and look at your Celebify…

Yianni Stamas Writing 5th Draft of New Comedy “Like a Celebrity Does”

“Like a Celebrity Does”: Exploring Fame and Narcissism Yianni Stamas, the founder of Celebify, is currently immersed in the creative process of crafting the fifth draft of his work-in-progress comedy, “Like a Celebrity Does.” This intriguing narrative delves into the complex dynamics of heart and narcissism prevalent in today’s society. The story centers around two…

Writing is Re-Writing, ABEIFY Completes the Third Draft of His New Comedy “Superstar Magician – Magic is Murder”

Superstar Magician – Magic is Murder ABEIFY just completed the third draft of a script he is writing. He wakes up early every morning for the sole purpose of writing for around a half hour to two hours per day, 7 days a week. This is a discipline he learned long ago as a magician…

As a Succession of Dominos Fall Forward towards Houdini Day, Stories Unfold Like this Eminem, Abracadabra and ABEIFY One

Countdown to Houdini Day Eminem Neat that he joined other music artists who are choosing to include Houdini in their audio tapestries. Nice that Marshall integrated samples from Steve Miller’s classic song that back in the 80’s was a popular music video. Abracadabra The music video for Abracadabra was quite well received and featured three…

Celebify: Behind-the-Scenes of Writing a Play

Behind-the-Scenes of Writing the PlayThe theater piece work-in-progress known as Superstar Magician has been an extraordinary and truly enjoyable electric hocus pocus experience thus far. It has also been a quite stressful and seemingly impossible task filling the author with great doubt and self criticism. But there is a term for that: the creative process.Process…