Superstar Magician – Magic is Murder

ABEIFY just completed the third draft of a script he is writing. He wakes up early every morning for the sole purpose of writing for around a half hour to two hours per day, 7 days a week. This is a discipline he learned long ago as a magician from age 8 to 18, first to practice certain tricks like the multiplying billiard balls or juggling or riding a unicycle and other theater arts activities. And now this approach to getting things done is focused on “Superstar Magician – Magic is Murder”.

Characters Seem to Have Lives of Their Own

By age 16 he was writing full length plays for his magic shows. Storytelling has always been an important part of his life though. He was writing stories starting at a very young age. He enjoys the challenges of penning tales. For him it is less about writer’s block and more having to do with a fascination he has with developing characters and how they in a sense seem to take the lead and develop the story themselves by the choices they make and the actions they take. It is as though they have minds of their own, leaving the writer to play catch up.

Every Character has a Purpose

When writing plays every character has a purpose. There is nothing random about their existence. Each character has a reason for being there and has a part in expressing the overall message of the piece. For him writing is a true adventure, because during the creative process he is frequently as surprised as the audience members of the choices the characters make, the plans they develop, and then the twists or obstacles they experience and what they do about them.

Possible Pathway in the Works

Originally the plan was to do a reading of the work-in-progress script with actors as a part of the three-day Celebify Symposium, starting in-person invite-only on Houdini Day, October 31, then online with blog posts and short videos on November 1 and 2. But the plan to do the reading in conjunction with the symposium has been nixed because there is another possible pathway in the works. We’ll keep you posted.