How to Celebify Yourself in Just a Few Easy Steps

You Don’t Want to Be This
If you’re pursuing a creative path and are not an ArtisticPreneur, you will not survive in the modern age. Remember, one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Today can be the day that you leave all that behind and become a doer who always utilizes the most recent strategies when it comes to digital marketing success. Our friends at ArtisticPreneur are doing a great job of helping ArtisticPreneurs promote themselves as seen here. Now here are other ways to celebify yourself!
Fun Times on Your Way to the Top
If you’re an ArtisticPreneur and in the market to become famous, you might find this blog entry interesting. As usual, we warn you that you becoming well known is something that you do at your own risk. We’re not responsible if you make the big time and then have the revelation that your life before endless kudos was much more simple and enjoyable etc. etc.
But given all that, we here at decided to open ourselves up to others to figure out the most effective way to get the paparazzi to stalk you, the ArtisticPreneur, and make your life miserable (as per the paparazzi’s job description). Our concept, given the name of this post, was to show you how to celebify yourself in just a few easy steps. We must put credit where credit is due. And although they formerly do not exist yet, is a force we collaborate with. Celebify yourself with! And we mean that literally. If ever there was a company that had the ability to celebify you it is because the art of promotion is their calling.
Do WikiHow Sub Steps Count as Steps?
One of the first systems to get your ArtisticPreneur image onto a cereal box (and all that goes with it) was from our friends at WikiHow. Although their visibility increasing technique was ultimately 12 steps in all (which is pretty long), to simplify the ascent process for the average person to “make it” (quickly and without losing too much sleep), was to break the steps down into substeps.
And these substeps are only a few steps in length. With the WikiHow Method there are three distinct phases to a life where you’d better always be dressed well, plus be in makeup, because someone could snap a picture of you looking disheveled and end up on the front page of a magazine.
Here are the three overall steps of the WikiHow methodology First you become famous. Second you maintain your fame. And finally third you use your fame for the good of the world.
Needless to say you can do good things for the world without being a celebrity, but if you’re like a lot of people you might enjoy having the cameras on you as you “selflessly” give of yourself. It’s really up to you.
Below is a paragraph from the WikiHow article that we found to be a little off putting. They actually use the following phrase in regards gaining a life under the spotlight: “It won’t happen overnight.” What the heck? It won’t happen overnight?! Really? We don’t know about you but as ArtisticPreneurs ourselves we find that very demotivating, especially if you want adoration from the public in a heartbeat. Here’s the paragraph:
“These days, it is a lot easier to become a celebrity. Social media makes it easier and faster to connect with large groups of people. Getting to celebrity status, however, takes time and commitment. It won’t happen overnight, but there are few ways to make it more likely to happen.”
Can Quora in a Flash Get You the Limelight You Deserve?!
We’re kind of bummed by the notion that receiving acclaim might not be lickety split. Therefore we headed over to Quora. You know Quora. It’s the site for which “expert” ArtisticPreneurs answer questions. Someone had posted the inquiry: “How does one become a celebrity?”
The first answer to the question of how to climb your way to the top was:
“You gotta have very monies for this one.”
We gotta have “very monies?” That’s a downer. We don’t want to spend our “very monies” to attain stardom.
Okay so that wasn’t satisfactory. Let’s move onto the next Quora answer. Oops, just looked at it and didn’t approve of it. It was 8 steps long and sounded awfully complicated. No quick fix as an ArtisticPreneur to getting your laurels here. Therefore we’re just going to put up the first 3 steps so that you’ll get the basic idea:
1. Increase your network. Make as many friends as possible, use social media, throw parties, join a club etc.
2. On a prearranged day, ask them to gather at one point (try to reach 1000+ numbers) and march through the streets of your city with an agenda (legalize marijuana as example). Grab some media attention by using some harsh words against anything or anyone (it does not matter).
3. Once you have a little attention from local people go for a second rally this time a little bigger (3000+ people).
Uh, what?! First it’s “very monies” and then it’s rallies?! As ArtisticPreneurs ourselves, we’re looking for instant elevation here people. None of this rigmarole.
Is “Skinny Artist” Coming to the Rescue with a Technique to Effortlessly Gain Prominence?
Oooh. Me likey. Me likey. Me just saw what has to offer. It’s called “The Idiot’s Guide to Becoming Famous with Minimal Effort.” And it’s only three steps long! We can handle that. We’re only going to give you the first two steps here so if you want to read the whole thing you’ll have to go to the Skinny Artist website.
Here are the first two of three steps:
The Idiot’s Guide to Becoming Famous with Minimal Effort
Step 1.) Do something incredibly stupid and obnoxious to attract attention to yourself
Don’t be afraid to think outside the box here. This can be in the form of a video, stunt, hoax, or just good old-fashioned vandalism. Keep in mind that as a culture we have become somewhat desensitized to people doing stupid things from years of watching people do stupid things, so try to think big.
Step 2.) Be sure to record your act of stupidity and publish it on YouTube.
Remember that recording and documenting your act of idiocy is not optional here. These days if you don’t capture something on video, you might as well go back to live in your primitive cave of obscurity.
Okay, so those are the first two steps to garnering your much desired eminence as an ArtisticPreneur!
In Conclusion
Now that we’ve found for you, your easy peasy Skinny Artist path to glory and exaltation in less than four steps, we could end here and say that we’ve kept our promise to live up to the name of this blog entry which is: “How to Celebify Yourself in Just a Few Easy Steps.”
But we know better than that. There will inevitably be some of you who are not going to be comfortable with the antics necessary to pull off the Skinny Artist’s plan for immortality. We also anticipate that certain members of our Celebify audience will be worried that the Skinny Artist approach may make you the “wrong kind of popular.” You might just become prominent for being notorious, rather than becoming illustrious with majesty.
But ladies and gentlemen, that is a discussion for another time where instead of having the title of “How to Celebify Yourself in Just a Few Easy Steps” we might call the new pursuit something along the lines of “How to Celebify Yourself in Just a Few Easy Steps and Still Be on the Radar for an Oscar or at least a Platinum PIA!”
Sayonara and best wishes for getting your recognition!