A New eBook on Marketing Your Website

Release to the Public in October

Marketing a website is an area we are always interested in, since we are “Celebify” and becoming well known is a form of marketing. Although as of this blog entry the product has not been released yet, we were fortunate in getting a copy pre-launch, the launch itself being sometime in early October as we understand it.

Celebify Your Business or Even Yourself

The eBook is called Create Profitable Marketing. Sure, the title is a little hokey, But we decided to give it a chance anyway. We were happily surprised. The book did have value. Create Profitable Marketing is like having a handbook with which to Celebify your business or even yourself.

Includes Things that You Don’t Know that You Don’t Know

We say “Handbook” because it lays out in detail the components you’ll need to successfully market yourself or your business. Although it seems to have been formatted to read from start to finish in a linear straight line, we found it useful as a book you can flip through pages and find out things that you don’t know, or even that you don’t know that you don’t know!