A Unique Way to Celebify Your Home Business from Home Business Achievers

For starters, Celebify is always interested in new marketing strategies which is why when Blog Coalition contacted us about the Home Business Achievers we took notice.

You see, Home Business Achievers is taking over the daily promotion posts that Blog Coalition used to do. Blog Coalition will still be doing monthly updates but if you have become hooked (as we have) on the insider magic of Blog Coalition you are definitely going to want to check out Home Business Achievers.

The Home Business Achievers organization quite kindly gave us some preview content on a special strategy to build visibility for your home business. You see, home businesses, due to the Pandemic, are increasing in numbers because of there being more time spent in one’s home. Don’t miss this unique way to celebify your home business. Here is the piece from Home Business Achievers:

It is important also to mention that if you are promoting a brick and mortar business either your own, or are helping a business with your marketing, location is particularly important. In other words, you want to gear your marketing to that location including name of town or city, zip code and so forth. You can of course get this information online and again think about who you are trying to connect with. You video and all marketing items must focus on city/town and why you, or who you are helping, is the best solution provider. This works great for home businesses as well!

If you decide that you want your video on popular video sites, it is also key to include all the information of your video in written form in conjunction with the video you are putting online. This in some cases will help to send prospects to that video.

Again, SEO is possible but, in many cases, paid ads are better because you can literally have your ad/video come up for the exact keyword phrase you came up with. Put yourself in their perspective. Here they are searching for a phrase to solve their problem and their phrase leads them to your video, possibly on your own website.

This brings up a strategy that you can use if you are handy with building websites or even are not and can delegate. This website will have as its domain name the exact phrase that the person is looking for. Think of how happy they will be to find not only their phrase in written form, but to have a site to go to that is the phrase they are searching for.

But you need to make sure that phrase is popular and is possibly even a trend. Some search engines offer the ability to track trends. Now put in a little effort or someone to do it for you. You want to both find a phrase that will bring in your future customers or clients but that are also available as a domain name.

If you are doing this research yourself, you can go back and forth between trend pages with popular trends and testing on a domain site whether that phrase is available as a domain name. This takes some practice but is well worth the effort because the more you can show your prospect that you are perfect for them with website, video, and phrase, the better.

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